
sábado, 29 de noviembre de 2014

Thank you, Mr. Cameron. Wish I was British

English people taught me to me polite, never supercilious, to love my fatherland at all costs, never complain never explain, to have lukewarm attitudes to life, never too much enthusiasm, the benefit of doubt, a certain dose of skepticism and fair play. Whatever might happen never show your feelings. Keep the upper lip, answer the letters, and if things come to the worse, close your eyes and think of England. Do not trust strangers. If you talk to a person without being introduced that is rude. Avoid ill manners. Neither speak of  your own privacy not discuss religions or politics except Sunday afternoon at Hyde Park Speech Corner. I learned to mistrust Popery. Thus,  I discovered real Christianity and reconciliation with myself not being dogmatic but practical and full of commonsense.

The English could be polite in the super grade, but also rude and tough. Be aware when they say that is, mate, they become the best fighters in the world. Real beasts they are at war.

The zest for politics, and reason, common sense are virtues of the Bulldog striped with the union jack and common sense is what Mr. Cameron has displayed curtailing the big rush of immigrants to the British Isles. Sorry, Mr. Pope, but we don’t want to be neither ripped off nor invaded. Cameron also is the only European politician who has spoken against the secession of Cataluña. He wants a united and strong Spain. The British premier raised his voice clear and loud against that oddity. Our king and our president by contrast soft and meek did not open their mouths on that crucial matter. If accomplished,  that will mean the destruction of Spain. In  the UK Mas and his cronies at this time of the day should be behind bars, in the Tower, or shot and perhaps the tanks and the British Army should have been seen patrolling  Barcelona´s streets, as I saw them in Belfast in 1968.

My country with or without reason is always right. A motto that our politicians never learnt from the British. Shame! What a pity! But many thanks and long time to you, David Cameron. I wish I were British. I love England. Little England shall be always in my heart.

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