
lunes, 3 de agosto de 2020

Orthodox Patriarch of Moscow - Ancient Philosophical Heresies have returned

Orthodox Patriarch of Moscow - Ancient Philosophical Heresies have returned


Tarde de agosto, el rey se exilia. Pasó el día de las alabanzas. Este no es mi rey que me lo cambiaron. El rey que nos merecemos Cela dixit poco antes de su circuncisión, le pusieron la yamulca y lo llevaron a Jerusalén al Muro de Lamentos y ahora la puñalada por la espalda. Kissinger y los  rabinos guardan silencio o más bien se carcajean. Es la risa de Israel. Carcajadas deletéreas o de demolición ahora empieza la debacle. Ji ji ji. La mofa va por nosotros. El rey emerito deja a España en manos del 666. Sigue la ruta marcada por su abuelo. Ahí os quedáis, una forma de borboneo. Es un cobarde. Pero no juzgarán a los Pujol ¿Y a los judíos separatistas catalanes que fueron más corruptos o corrompidos que el monarca? ¿Pondrán teas a las sinagogas de Satán? ¿Saldremos lo

jueves, 30 de julio de 2020

Azorín anarquista Azorín falangista

El maestro Azorín fue uno de los primeros escritores en regresar después de la guerra civil. Seguidamente, lo hicieron Baroja, Pérez de Ayala, Salinas. Ortega y Gasset. Don Antonio vino gritando Arriba España y escribió un libro primordial “El Escritor” dedicado a Dionisio Ridruejo gran poeta del Movimiento. Yol soy el pasado, vosotros sois el futuro arengaba a los jóvenes con sentencias cincelarias. Este libro del exilado que yo leí en julio de 1976, humilde, sucinto y condensado pero que es uno de los príncipes literarios de mi biblioteca al cual acudo en busca de consuelo y que me sirve de referencia y vademécum en mis desalientos. Ya ha calló la voz anarquista y panfletaria del periodista tumultuario que predicaba en sus artículos de principios de siglo editados en “El País” el amor libre, estacazo a los curas, nacionalización del campo. Que clamaba el reparto de la tierra, y lanzaba como un energúmeno gritos contra el latifundio.
Antonio Martínez Ruiz ya no es el perdulario alicantino cariohondo y revolucionario, vanidoso y de párrafo largo y enmarañado, que provocaba asonadas por las calles de Madrid. Se ha vuelto un escritor enteco acartonado de aires místicos. su prosa también se acrisoló en la concisión, hízose profunda.
El Escritor, uno de los mejores libros que se escribieron el pasado siglo, imparte armonía, destila serenidad.
 En parte es un canto a Soria, no el Burgo de Osma del uxamense Ridruejo sino Ágreda la del Padre Gracián al pie del Moncayo donde la mesta abrevaba sus rebaños y se cardaba la lana fina, la entrefina y la de las churras que tan mullidos e incomparables nos sirven de colchones. París ha trasformado al antiguo volteriano. Nos cuenta que le gusta acudir a las largas misas en rito eslavo (yo también experimenté esa catarsis en Londres) en la iglesia de San Juan el Pobre, la misa de San Juan Climaco. Escala mística. Subir la escalera el alma peldaño a peldaño hasta alcanzar conocimiento de Dios. Es lo que significa la palabra griega clímax. Tanto como gradual. El bienaventurado Clímaco eremita egipcio▬ refiere Azorín ▬propone en su libro “Escala Espiritual” esa norma de conocimiento interior.
Azorín ha renunciado al desdentado Bakunin y se entusiasman con la marmota que tenía en su celda de exclaustrado el Padre Isla la cual le ayudó a escribir el Fray Gerundio. Muy sabrosos y atinados comentarios, pero en Azorín no hay pathos, ha renunciado a las pasiones para transformarse en cuentista lineal. Cada capitulo de este libro del retornado vale tanto como un rubí. Dispersa en sus páginas cierta esquivez ante el mundanal ruido que de vez en cuando a los españoles nos trastorna. A veces puede aparecer algo altanero y petulante el maestro Azorín. Se convirtió al partido conservador de son Antonio Maura. Confiesa que detesta a los poetas chirles pero que nunca se ha dejado llevar por el odio, la envidia y la violencia. “Procuré hacer justicia, pero nunca odié a nadie. El odio lleva aparejada la ira, la cólera, la violencia”. Propone en política la ironía y un cierto desasimiento, pero esto no es nuevo ya lo predicaban los alumbrados y “deixados” conversos del siglo XVII, siguiendo las enseñanzas de Miguel de Molinos que murió en la hoguera de la Inquisición.


lunes, 27 de julio de 2020


LA K es una de las letras ajenas al castellano pero los medios nos da la vara con el relato de los "okupas" unos tíos caraduras que viven sin trabajar y a los que el infame Sánchez y el maldito Coletas concedieron una paguita para demoler España y vivir del cuento, que allanan tu casa se meten en ella y luego no puedes echarles porque los ampara la justicia. Es una de las tretas más socorridas por la Bestia. Muchos españoles están acojonados y no se van de vacaciones por miedo a quedarse sin techo y a la vuelta tengan que dormir a la luna de valencia. Reclamaciones al maestro armero porque la justicia da la razón a los intrusos. Para más Inri la hermosa lengua castellana está siendo "okupada", contraviniendo las reglas ortográficas del docto Nebrija por esta patulea de periodistas corsarios y tertulianos ignorantes que nos zurra las meninges desde los medios de comunicación. Un tabernero rumano me dijo la otra tarde:
- Váyase usted de aquí. Este no es tu país. Lo hemos ocupado. 
Dieron me ganas de liarme a tiros o pegar fuego al chigre. Gracias a Dios resistí pero regresé a mi casa dolorido. Los satanistas utilizan la mentira estratégica para allanar la morada de los cristianos viejos. El sionismo torcaz y salvaje ha instituido la revancha. La teología del holocausto es el opio de los pueblos aunque yo prefiero ACARICIAR ACEPCIONES MÁS FAVORABLES DEL sustantivo ocupación. En el burdel Señoritas al salón cuando preguntabas por tu querida te decía la madame:
- Angelines está ocupada ahora mismo con el señor cual.
Porque la ínclita no podía bajar ahora a ocuparse con el demandante. Le estaba alegrando la vida a un señor en el cuarto de arriba. Una ocupación placentera a contrapelo de la "okupación" ilegal que causa berrinches y malestar al propietario de un local.
Yo me ocupo de mis negocios, tú te ocupas de los tuyos pero la necedad operante se resiste a todo razonamiento o coloquio en esta España suicida de conversos y de ex fascistas quienes hasta hace poco comulgaban las hostias a puñados y hoy dinamitan los  cristos o queman las estatuas de los santos y han vuelto su quibla hacia el islam o hacia el mosaísmo.

Occupo occupas occupare es un verbo latino que viene de capio coegere coger y es tomar posesión o adelantarse a algo. EN TERMINOS ESTRATEGICOS PONGAMOS POR CASO CUANDO SE DICE EL GENERAL TAL OCUPÓ ZARAGZA QUIERE DECIR CONQUISTÓ LA PLAZA DE Cesaraugusta.
 Su noble naturaleza, la del verbo ocupar, fue pervertida y arrasada por los infames asesinos y pederastas que parten el bacalao en mi país. Y vomitan a todas las horas la hiel maligna y el odio que da arcadas en sus barrigas. Vivimos sometidos a la mancuerna y al látigo de los campos de concentración. España ya lo es un KZ Lager, una especie de Auschwitz

sábado, 25 de julio de 2020



Prosternado ante el ara
De tu iconostasio
Quince siglos de oraciones
Me acogen y contemplan
Melifluos cantos
Oigo por el valle
Brisa sanando mis pulmones
En el cerro
Asturias, mártir santa,
Te venera
Con un hacho y un candil
Van subiendo corderos al hombro
Monte arriba
Los esforzados mineros
De Pola Lena
Paciente y valerosa
Tú les miras desde tu torre señera
Donde venciste a la muerte
Y ahora triunfal muestras las heridas del ecúleo
Con que calmas la fiebre y revives al difunto
Colocaste, mártir de la causa cuando la persecución del déspota, tu cuello sobre la toza
En ofrenda
Por defender la fe del Nazareno
Ante el esbirro
Tu sangre derramada entonces
Cure ahora nuestras llagas y pandemias
Virgen cuya memoria ahora
Nuestros prados alegra
El rocío y la venera
En tu dulce pecho ostentas
Agua fresca y vino
Para el peregrino
Ruego por nos santa Cristina de Lena


Moscow-on-Thames: Soviet-born billionaires and their ties to UK's political elite

How party donations, sports teams and lavish London residences have granted access to highest echelons of public life
Boris Johnson pictured with Alexander Temerko, who has given more than £1.3m to the Conservative party.
 Boris Johnson pictured with Alexander Temerko, who has given more than £1.3m to the Conservative party. Photograph:
Businesspeople born in the Soviet Union play a significant role in British business and politics. Some have given money to political parties. Others have made substantial investments in media and industry. All have homes in London, with several visiting regularly from Moscow.
Following a week in which Russia and its links to the UK have been in the news, the Guardian has looked into the impact of Soviet-born men and women on recent UK public life.

Lobbying and the media

Alexander Lebedev bought the loss-making Evening Standard newspaper in 2009, installing his son Evgeny as proprietor. Lebedev later acquired the Independent and launched a successful spinoff version, the i. The Standard office is around the corner from where Lebedev worked in the 1980s as an undercover spy based at the Soviet embassy.
As he recounts in his memoir, Hunt the Banker, the KGB approached Lebedev in his final year at university in Moscow. He learned espionage at the Red Banner Institute and joined the KGB’s prestigious first directorate, specialising in foreign intelligence work. After the USSR’s collapse, Lebedev went into banking and the media.
Alexander Lebedev, left, and his son Evgeny, right, with the former chancellor George Osborne.
 Alexander Lebedev (left) and his son Evgeny (right), with the former chancellor George Osborne in September last year, when Osborne was editor of the Evening Standard. Photograph: David M Benett/Dave Benett/Getty Images
Lebedev funded Russia’s independent Novaya Gazeta newspaper. In 2016, however, he wrote a column in the Evening Standard defending Vladimir Putin after the Russian president’s close friend Sergei Roldugin appeared in the Panama Papers. Lebedev supported Russia’s takeover of Crimea and held a conference there in 2017 to counter what he said was western media “bias”. Russia’s foreign ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova went to his Moscow book launch.
In recent years, Lebedev has come under scrutiny over his close personal ties with Boris Johnson.
In spring 2018, Johnson flew to the Lebedevs’ villa in Perugia, Italy. The then foreign secretary left his security detail behind and was spotted at the airport on his way home, dishevelled and hungover. Johnson attended Lebedev’s 60th birthday party the day after winning December’s general election. David Cameron and then Evening Standard editor George Osborne were guests too.
Meanwhile, Lebedev’s billionaire Moscow contemporary Alexander Mamut bought the bookshop chain Waterstones in 2011 for £53.5m. Mamut introduced a Russian-language section to its store in Piccadilly Circus, central London. His then teenage son was educated at a leading British private school.
Mamut owns extensive media assets in Russia, including the news website In 2014, he fired its editor, Galina Timchenko, after she published an interview with a Ukrainian nationalist. Mamut replaced her with a pro-Kremlin journalist. In 2018, he sold a majority stake in Waterstones to a hedge fund.
The PR executive and former Ulster Unionist MP David Burnside has introduced several prominent Kremlin figures to senior Conservatives. His communications firm, New Century Media, founded a Positive Russia foundation to improve Moscow’s image in the UK. One of Burnside’s employees is Alex Nekrassov, whose late father Alexander was a Kremlin adviser and hardline Putin apologist.
Vasily Shestakov.
 Vasily Shestakov. Photograph: Mikhail Metzel/TASS
In 2012, Burnside took a Russian embassy diplomat, Sergei Nalobin, to a Conservative party fundraising dinner. Nalobin, the son of a senior officer in the FSB, the successor to the KGB, founded the Conservative Friends of Russia, a parliamentary group. Its 2012 launch party took place in the Russian ambassador’s Kensington garden.
John Whittingdale MP and Carrie Symonds, then a young Tory party worker and now Johnson’s fiancee, were among the guests. Raffle prizes included a biography of Putin and bottles of vodka.
The following year, Burnside invited Vasily Shestakov, an influential MP in Russia’s Duma, to the same Tory fundraising dinner. He introduced him to the prime minister, David Cameron. Shestakov is an old friend of Putin’s and with him co-authored several books, including Learn Judo With Vladimir Putin and Judo: History, Theory, Practice.


The Conservatives have received more than £3m from wealthy Soviet-born donors – all of whom can legally give money to the party as British citizens. They include Alexander Temerko, a former Russian junior defence minister, and Lubov Chernukhin, a financier whose husband Vladimir served in Putin’s cabinet as deputy finance minister.
Alexander Temerko said he was “no friend” of Vladimir Putin.
 Alexander Temerko said he was ‘no friend’ of Vladimir Putin. Photograph: Bloomberg via Getty Images
Temerko has funded the constituency associations of several leading Tory MPs, including the business secretary, Alok Sharma, and Mark Pritchard. Pritchard sits on parliament’s intelligence and security committee (ISC), which on Tuesday published its long-awaited Russia report. The Scottish National party has called on Pritchard to resign from the committee or give the money back.
In an interview with the Guardian, Temerko said he was “no friend” of Putin’s, whom he called an “enemy of democracy”. He said he had zero intention of going to Russia. Temerko has given more than £1.3m to the Conservative party. He would not be drawn on whether the Kremlin had interfered in the EU referendum vote in support of Leave, but said that he opposed Brexit.
An investigation by Reuters, based on conversations with Temerko, alleges that he supported Johnson’s campaign to take Britain out of the EU – at least initially. It said the industrialist had funded some of Johnson’s key allies in parliament, including James Wharton, who ran Johnson’s successful prime ministerial campaign. Johnson and Temerko were close, sharing bottles of wine and sometimes calling each other “Sasha”, it added.
Lubov Chernukhin (fourth from right, next to Theresa May) paid £135,000 to attend a dinner last year with senior female Conservatives at the Goring hotel in central London.
 Lubov Chernukhin (fourth from right, next to Theresa May) paid £135,000 to attend a dinner last year with senior female Conservatives at the Goring hotel in central London. Photograph: Elizabeth Truss/Twitter
In contrast to Temerko, Chernukhin keeps a low public profile. The former banker turns down interview requests and has not publicly explained why she has given the Conservative party more than £1.7m. Born in the Soviet Union, Chernukhin is the biggest female donor in British political history and one of the Tories’ most important cash supporters.
Her largesse seems directed at whoever is the Conservative leader. In 2014, she paid £160,000 at a Tory fundraiser to play tennis with Cameron and Johnson, then the PM and London mayor. She paid £135,000 in April 2019 for a dinner at the luxury Goring hotel with Theresa May, also then the PM, and several female cabinet members.
Other donations have flowed to Brandon Lewis, the former Tory party chairman. He has received £24,500, according to Electoral Commission filings. He defended the donations in media interviews on Thursday. Cash has also gone to Theresa Villiers, who sits on the ISC. In February, Chernukhin spent £45,000 on another game of tennis with Johnson and Ben Elliot, the Tories’ co-chair. The SNP is calling on Villiers to return the money.
Chernukhin’s husband served as a Russian minister in 2000, during Putin’s first presidential term. He was chairman of Vnesheconombank (VEB), a bank and state corporation with reported close ties to the Kremlin security establishment. He later left Moscow and became a British citizen in 2011. The couple have an £8m London mansion, owned by an offshore trust, a jet and two yachts.
Theresa Villiers.
 Theresa Villiers.
Another prominent figure is Andrei Borodin, the former president of the Bank of Moscow. In 2013, Borodin attended the Conservatives’ summer ball with his wife Tatiana Korsakova, a model, four months after receiving political asylum. He spent £40,000 on a portrait of Margaret Thatcher.
The payment was made by Henley Concierge, a firm registered to a cottage on Borodin’s £120m country estate near Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire. Borodin said he did not discuss party policy at the event, nor make a donation. Russian authorities have accused him of a massive fraud. Borodin denies this and says he’s the victim of a politically motivated witch-hunt.

Business and property

Super-wealthy businessmen from former Soviet countries also control a dizzying array of UK assets spanning football clubs, oil and gas and multimillion-pound mansions. Their financial clout affords members of this select group considerable influence and access to Britain’s professional and ruling classes.
Perhaps the most high-profile London-based oligarch, thanks to his £140m purchase of Chelsea Football Club in 2003, is Roman Abramovich. The Israeli-Russian billionaire has limited UK business interests outside football, but his extensive property portfolio includes a 15-bedroom mansion in London’s prestigious Kensington Palace Gardens, bought for £90m in 2011.
Roman Abramovich pictured in the stands at Stamford Bridge in 2017 - the last year Chelsea won the Premier League.
 Roman Abramovich, pictured in the stands at Chelsea FC’s Stamford Bridge ground, in 2017 - the last year Chelsea won the Premier League. Photograph: Ben Stansall/AFP via Getty Images
The Chelsea owner’s wealth is derived partly from proceeds from the controversial privatisation of the oil giant Sibneft after the fall of the Soviet Union. When Sibneft needed an international communications chief it turned to Greg Barker, who would go on to become Conservative energy minister under David Cameron.
Lord Barker of Battle, as he has been known since his elevation to the House of Lords, has also worked for another Russian businessman with the ear of Britain’s powerful elite, Oleg Deripaska. Deripaska attracted public attention in 2008 over claims that he discussed making a donation to the Tories with George Osborne, during a meeting held aboard his yacht in the Mediterranean.
In 2017, Deripaska listed his En+ energy and metals group on the London Stock Exchange and turned to Lord Barker to serve as its chairman. The Tory peer received a bonus of $4m (£3.14m) after helping Deripaska get the company removed from a list of firms hit by US sanctions.
Greg Barker, a former Conservative minister, has worked for the Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska.
 Greg Barker, a former Conservative minister, has worked for the Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska. Photograph: Martin Argles/The Guardian
Barker and Deripaska are not the only peer and oligarch double-act on the UK business scene. The legendary oil dealmaker and former BP boss Lord Browne is executive chair of billionaire Mikhaeil Fridman’s Letter One Energy group, which has a one-third stake in the oil and gas company Wintershall DEA.
Fridman and Browne enjoy a longstanding business relationship that includes the foundation of TNK-BP, a joint venture involving British oil supermajor BP and a group of three billionaires, including Fridman, under the banner AAR. The relationship between BP and AAR often proved acrimonious and TNK-BP boss Bob Dudley was at one stage forced to flee the country fearing for his safety. After a power struggle, AAR eventually sold its half in the venture to Russian state-owned oil giant Rosneft. That deal left BP with a near-20% stake in the Kremlin-backed company, making cordial Russian relations vital for BP. Rival Shell also has interests in Russia via the huge Sakhalin-2 offshore gas project.
Len Blavatnik pictured in 2012.
 Len Blavatnik pictured in 2012. Photograph: Richard Young/REX Shutterstock
One of the other billionaires behind AAR, Sir Leonard (Len) Blavatnik, also wields significant influence in the UK. Blavatnik was born in Odessa, in Soviet Ukraine, but has renounced Russian citizenship and is a dual US-UK citizen. Blavatnik has amassed a vast business empire, including Warner Music. He endowed Oxford University by spending £75m to found the Blavatnik School of Government. He also sponsors the Baillie Gifford literature prize and is the main benefactor of multiple London museums and art galleries. Like Abramovich, he owns a mansion in Kensington Palace Gardens, a property that has been valued at up to £200m.
But that pales in comparison to the estimated price tag on Witanhurst, often referred to as Britain’s most expensive home. The mansion in London’s upmarket Highgate was bought for £50m in 2008 by the family of the Russian fertiliser baron Andrey Guryev, through an offshore company called Safran Holdings, located in the tax haven of the British Virgin Islands. It has been valued at more than £300m after extensive refurbishment.
A few miles across north London lies Arsenal Football Club, in which the Uzbek-born Russian metals, mining and publishing billionaire Alisher Usmanov was a long-time shareholder – even at one time considering a full takeover. Ultimately he sold his shares for £550m in 2018 to the US sports tycoon Stan Kroenke.
One of London’s most successful Russian businessmen is Andrey Andreev. He has made a fortune of close to £1bn by founding dating apps, including the female-focused Bumble and Badoo.
 Luke Harding’s latest book Shadow State: Murder, Mayhem and Russia’s Remaking of the West (Guardian Faber) is available from the Guardian Bookshop.