
jueves, 9 de enero de 2025



Live Updates: New Wildfires Strain L.A. as Others Burn Unchecked

The two largest blazes are the most destructive to ever hit the city, and a smaller one burned overnight in the Hollywood Hills. More extreme fire danger is expected on Thursday.


Corina KnollSoumya Karlamangla and 

Corina Knoll is reporting from Los Angeles.

Here’s the latest on the fires.

The wildfire that raced across the Hollywood Hills early Thursday, threatening a wealthy area indelibly tied to the American film industry, put additional strain on millions of Los Angeles residents already stressed by catastrophic blazes that have erased entire neighborhoods and streaked the sky with smoke and embers.

The fires have killed at least five people and burned more than 27,000 acres, equivalent to nearly 20,000 football fields. The largest ones, the Palisades and Eaton fires, have destroyed at least 2,000 structures and are already the two most destructive to ever hit Los Angeles.

miércoles, 8 de enero de 2025




Resiste Madrid ciudad abierta alegre y confiada. Yo no odio a los rojos pero soy azul y no han pasado ni pasarán. Vivimos un momento morrocotudo y los rábulas hacen cábalas la Cernuda tan ceñuda échale un galgo a esa gallega y la Griso esa putilla de las mañanas puso en el espejo a Amón el hijo de aquel que pereció en un helicóptero cosas me pasan chaval no fui a la reunión y estuve tomando chupitos de aguardiente en ca Manolo el de la Puebla de Sanabria. Se acercaron a nuestras líneas pero no han saltado los parapetos de la Universitaria y Reina Victoria, somos carne de dolor y de aguardiente de trinchera. Llevo colgado al cuello la imagen de la Virgen de Covadonga. Cataluña hace sonar sus tambores de guerra pero Madrid resiste siempre fue así. Madrid alzado en contrapoder y resistente. Los judíos de Bruselas Juncker la merdellona de la Merkel (sufragánea de la sinagoga de Berlín) hoy me siento inglés viva el Brexit, el Coletas en su casoplón y así sucesivamente. La Europa de los mercaderes ha sido una ruina para nuestra nación los campos abandonados la leche derramada las iglesias sin campanas y las campanas sin campanarios. Castilla asfixiada por la oligoantropía sencillamente no hay niños jugando al corro. El Sánchez cara de circunstancias pues sabía que en su victoria hay tongo se va a ver a Macron ese judío al que los franceses dieron la espalda. Tiempos inclementes se avecinan pero Madrid entona el canto del no pasarán. El sanchismo teme a la derecha dice que es el lobo feroz pues a ver si tiene cojones. Sabe Perico los Palotes que su victoria fue pírrica. Madrid es mucho Madrid duro de pelar. Fuerza, España, aguantemos el tirón.


Rey Juan Carlos 2013.jpg


Nada le tenemos que agradecer a este monarca muchos españoles como yo. Bajo su corona toda corrupción y cualquier enjuague y mangoneo tuvieron asiento. Los escritores de origen falangista fuimos enviados a galeras cuando no vigilados y tenidos siempre bajo sospecha.  Mi carrera profesional se truncó cuando este hombre del que decía la esposa del anterior jefe del estado, doña Carmen Polo: “no sólo es tonto, también es perverso” entró a gobernar. Cuando él llegó nos mandaron a todos a galeras.
Su reinado ha sido uno de los más lamentables de la historia de España comparable al de Carlos IV (al que se parece físicamente) y peor incluso que el de Fernando VII. Empezó su mandato esperanzado bajo el espíritu del 12 de febrero y hubo un primer momento en que se abrieron expectativas.
Parecía que el pueblo lo quería pero luego todo aquel falso andamiaje se vino abajo. Los españoles a diferencia de los ingleses que quieren a su reina e hicieron suya a la monarquía sentimos e indiferencia ante nuestros “royals”, una institución de la cual viven algunos avispados que hacen prensa del corazón: Peñafiel y su cohorte de áulicos abúlicos expertos en el arte de adular...
El golpe del 23 de febrero de 1981 fue orquestado por él mismo bajo inspiración de Henry Kissinger.
De lo que se trataba era de acabar con el ejército y desguazar a España convirtiendo a España en un país quisling de Washington. El pobre coronel Tejero era un hombre de paja.
Tenemos pues no sólo un rey soso sino también un rey conspirador. Todo su anhelo y su política han sido seguir sentado en el trono a efectos de conservar los momios y trienios los devengos, palacios, yates (es uno de los señores más ricos del mundo) y regalías de una institución restaurada por Francisco Franco.
Juan Carlos nunca se lo agradeció. De desagradecidos está el mundo lleno. Durante su reinado los que mangonearon la parva fueron los Ansones, los cebrianes, rosones y pericos jotas etc. y otros enganchados al borboneo: venta de nuestros periódicos, cierre de los cuarteles e instituciones militares, ruina de nuestras empresas, esquilmo de la agricultura. Todos bajo la fórmula del “I will buy you out”. Don Juan Carlos I vendió al país.  Ese es su gran mérito so pretexto de modernidad.
Ojalá la patria se lo demande porque entre otras cosas es un rey perjuro al haber jurado guardar los Principios Fundamentales del Movimiento. Luego se llamó a andana y adoptó convenientemente la formula de su predecesor tatarabuelo Fernando VII “vayamos todos juntos y yo el primero por la senda de la Constitución”. Sólo se conserva la Guardia Civil como servicio de Corps institución benéfica y de control.

No te tenemos que agradecer nada, Juan Carlos I. le llamaban el Breve pero su reinado ha durado casi cincuenta años, más que el mandato de Franco. Heredó una España en paz que era la decima potencia industrial de occidente y la ha dejado hecha unos zorros con la amenaza del separatismo catalán y la posibilidad de que se escindan los vascos y gallegos. Una España amenazada por la invasión musulmana decrepita y envejecida cantadero de urogallos donde entonan sus quirquis que son verdaderos responsos los medios de comunicación, la prensa y la radio del duerno. They pay lip service. España no guardará luto por este Borbón corrompido y putañero.

corre por internet

 construiran un a iglesia en la tahona de ipatiev el rico mercader donde mataron al zar nicolás II y su familia. Cristo vencerá

Posted: 17 May 2019 04:16 AM PDT

Yevgeny Kuyvashev, the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region (with capital city Yekaterinburg), commented on the spontaneous act of protest, which took place in defense of the public garden near the Drama Theater in Yekaterinburg. The protest sparked on May 13 and lasted the whole night till the morning of May 14. The governor wrote a post on his Instagram account, in which he called the action "a difficult situation."


"In this situation, one can understand the believers, for whom the restoration of the Church of St. Catherine in the city is a question that rises from year to year and that still needs to be resolved. One can also understand the protesting citizens, for whom it is important to preserve every green tree in the center of Yekaterinburg," the head of the region wrote adding that he was ready to mediate in the negotiations between the two parties in order to "achieve peace, calmness and understanding."

On May 13, individuals standing in defence of the public garden near the Drama Theatre of Yekaterinburg started posting messages on social networks appealing to those indifferent to the problem to come to the building of the Drama Theatre for a meeting at about 7 p.m.


construiran un a iglesia en la tahona de ipatiev el rico mercader donde mataron al zar nicolás II y su familia. Cristo vencerá

Posted: 17 May 2019 04:16 AM PDT

Yevgeny Kuyvashev, the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region (with capital city Yekaterinburg), commented on the spontaneous act of protest, which took place in defense of the public garden near the Drama Theater in Yekaterinburg. The protest sparked on May 13 and lasted the whole night till the morning of May 14. The governor wrote a post on his Instagram account, in which he called the action "a difficult situation."
"In this situation, one can understand the believers, for whom the restoration of the Church of St. Catherine in the city is a question that rises from year to year and that still needs to be resolved. One can also understand the protesting citizens, for whom it is important to preserve every green tree in the center of Yekaterinburg," the head of the region wrote adding that he was ready to mediate in the negotiations between the two parties in order to "achieve peace, calmness and understanding."
On May 13, individuals standing in defence of the public garden near the Drama Theatre of Yekaterinburg started posting messages on social networks appealing to those indifferent to the problem to come to the building of the Drama Theatre for a meeting at about 7 p.m.
Many people brought their children, some arrived on bicycles and scooters. People gathered to discuss the construction project. In the afternoon, activist Alena Smyshlyaeva was detained after she climbed over the fence and then up a tree. She was later released.
About an hour later, at 8 p.m. the protesters came close to the fence and pushed the flimsy enclosure down. Russian Guards fighters, who were on duty behind the fence, gathered around a tent in the center of the public garden. People suggested that there was the first brick for the church of St. Catherine inside the tent for a solemn construction start ceremony. The people started circle-dancing around the tent. They later put up one of their own and said that they would spend the whole night in the garden to prevent the beginning of the construction of the temple.
Nothing was happening for the next few hours. As night fell, fighters of RMK martial arts academy appeared in the public garden. The head of the RMK, Igor Altushkin, is an initiator and a sponsor of the construction of the Church of St. Catherine.
The fighters started pushing the townspeople out of the construction perimeter. They broke a camera of a group of journalists who were on the scene, some people said that they were beaten. The fighters put the fence back up and encircled the construction site, sporadically fighting with some of the protesters. The fighters were chanting "For the temple!" while the people were responding to them chanting "For the garden!" and "Shame!"
The police chose to watch what was happening from their vehicles. They did not interfere. Closer to midnight, law-enforcement officers started asking the townspeople to leave the site and go home. It was noted that neither police officers nor OMON fighters made any attempts to protect the townspeople from aggressive RMK athletes, who were obviously prepared for physical violence.
The conflict ended at about 2 a.m. when all of the protesters left. It was said that the police arrested four participants of the act. It was also said that an employee of private security company RMK Security used pepper spray against a female activist, for which he was arrested.
The Yekaterinburg diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church plans to build a church of St. Catherine on the site of a public garden near the Drama Theater. The restoration of the temple, which was destroyed in 1930, has been discussed since 2010. At first it was planned to build it on Labor Square and then on the embankment island in the area of the city pond. Both variants of the project caused mass public protests, and the ideas were abandoned.
In early 2018, Yevgeny Kuyvashev, the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region, announced the plan to move the construction site to the embankment near the Drama Theater. Yekaterinburg Mayor Alexander Vysokinsky approved land planning and surveying. The temple is to be built for the 300th anniversary of the city in 2023.