
domingo, 20 de diciembre de 2020



Me da miedo Trump en el misterioso interregno de las Doce Noches cuando Saturno manda y pueden venir males a la humanidad el hambre la peste y la guerra. El presidente está realizando una escabechina en la Administración. Ha destituido al secretario de Estado Pompeo por decir que la culpa del pucherazo la tiene Moscú. Trump acusa a  PEQUIN DE SU DERROTA EN LAS urnas. como observador de la política internacional y cuatro años de corresponsal de Pyresa y LNE en América puedo afirmar que este mandato del cual no quiere irse el mandatario fue atípico. Hubo muchas intercadencias, la clave estuvo en el supuesto derribo del avión holandés (se equivocaron de avión porque el color del fuselaje era el mismo del de Putin regresando de Nueva York). Netanyahu fue a Moscú a entrevistarse con Vladimir y de aquella entrevista clave parece que surgió un convenio de no agresión. El líder ruso se echaba en manos de Israel y por otra parte Trump que es judío y representa al poderoso lobby sionista que se enriquecieron con el real State  es el Nabor del ladrillo- cerraron un pacto de no agresión del cual saldría ganando Israel en su pugna fronteriza con Iran. Pekin se sitúa del lado persa. Además, China representa un peligro para los intereses comerciales americanos. Ha copado los mercados .A Trump los servicios secretos norteamericanos le acusaron de haber ganado las elecciones con la ayuda cibernética del Kremlin tan poderosa en las redes sociales, luego vino a pandemia. Hubo una reunión de militares en Wuhan a la cual alguien llevó una probeta infectada por Covid19, algunos aseguran que fue una extracción sintética combinada en un tubo de ensay de Tel Aviv. La idea era diezmar a la superpoblación china pero el morbo es de una condición tan poderosa que se esparció por los cuatro puntos cardinales. Ayer  Netanyaju urbi et orbi se vacunó contra ella y a mí me vino a las mentes una frase de los escolásticos; “excusatio  non pettita accusatio manifesta”. los lemólogos están sorprendidos, los genetistas inquieren sobre el advenimiento del hombre nuevo que patrocinaron los esenios en la lucha contra Roma y los moralistas nos advierten de la llegada de las tres parcas. El mundo está en pinganillos atribulado por unos medios de comunicación que se han convertido en cámara de resonancia de los avances de la peste asiática mal llamada asiática es la peste de Trump por el orbe. Como politólogo nunca me gustaron los métodos de gobierno por guasap de don Donaldo. Es presuntuoso mal orador si le compara con Obama que exhibía un inglés majestuoso el que se habla en las mejores universidades americanas, es celoso y rencoroso sus acciones evidencian un cierto complejo de inferioridad. Es un tipo que viene del ladrillo que cree que el dinero lo puede todo. Dice amar  su país por encima de toda las cosas pero para aquellos que nos hemos formado en la idea del First amendemant of the American Constituion que proclama la libertad de pensamiento sus marrullerías no poseen típico sabor americano. La clave de la democracia es la libertad y el presidente ha tratado de poner en censuras a Google y a todas las redes sociales que le criticaban. Es racista y machista aunque sus secuaces difundan por el mundo el racismo de I cant breath por el mundo fomentando la emigración aterradora de las masas irredentas mientras Trump construye muros pen Nuevo Mejico para impadir la incursión de chicanos. Ahora se niega a aceptar el resultado de los comicios en los que pudo haber manipulación a favor de Biden pero también la hubo cuando Trump desbancó a Hilaria Clinton. Esto es un laberinto. Por lo que asumo que este rubio del colgante flequillo puede darnos unas navidades amargas declarándole la guerra a China yo que sé. El busilis no está en él sino en las fuerzas comerciales y los intereses económicos que lo manipulan. Dios quiera que me equivoque pero este vaticinio es para echarse a Temblar. Confio en que no se consume.

viernes, 4 de diciembre de 2020

un marno que salvó nuestro honor en el 98




Ciño vela, desencapillo las jarcias y suelto amarras. Zarpo y no conozco el rumbo de esta singladura pero quiero honrar a un héroe. La vela y el viento forman parte del alma marinera.

 En un rincón de donde esto escribo yace junto a la cómoda el sable que me entregó mi padre al morir.

Él sabía que los ejércitos son una formación de hombres honrados pero no están para poner inyecciones.

Lo suyo es la defensa de la patria y la inviolabilidad del territorio, la defensa del desvalido, la guarda de la ley y la convivencia.

Estoy triste porque los enemigos del estamento militar no lo ven así.

Me ensordece  por tanto esta bulla propalada  por unos supuestos guasaps de unos coroneles en la reserva. Por lo que escriben creo que estaban hartos de vino. Fusilar a veintiséis millones de españoles no deja de ser una hipérbole.

Me causa risa el nerviosismo de la ministilla Robles y el jaleo de las redes sociales con rasgamientos de vestiduras y algunos insultos a los hombres uniformados que suelen ser hombres de honor. El Rivilla ese santanderino con pinta de lechero que funge como presidente incombustible de las Asturias de Santillana se despachaba con algún insulto mostraba en su indignación cierto desmelenamiento para agradar al jefe.

Mientras tanto leo cabizbajo y en la soledad de mi celda cerca de la espada de mi padre la biografía de Fernando Villaamil Cancio el capitán de navío asturiano que dio su vida por el honor de España.

Driza y vela y navego a todo trapo entre pufadas de mi cachimba por mares de la fantasía recordando un tiempo en que España presentaba una faz más amable y jubilosa. Antes del regreso de los traidores secuaces de don Opas.

 Me acusarán de fascista o de franquista. Mas, no les creáis yo soy un libertario periodista con el alma dolorida y perpleja ante tanta soledad y desatino.

¿Es fascismo denostar la preterición del castellano como alma vehicular de los hispanos durante más de diez siglos? ¿Es fascismo o franquismo atrabiliario rechazar la partición de nuestra España en taifas catalanas, gallegas, vascas, valencianas, baleáricas? ¿Es fascismo criticar a un régimen que ha traído la inquisición y la censura de prensa so capa de defender los valores democráticos y cercar y acorralar el periodismo libérrimo que yo he ejercido a lo largo de más de medio siglo con un cerco de silencio?

¿Es fascismo de reírme de la chabacanería hasta el insulto, la dejadez y el mal gusto de nuestros escritores y periodistas y comunicadores del ramo?

Las espada con la cual mi padre defendió a España en el rincón me grita que no. Ahí está.

 Tampoco soy un nostálgico ni un franquista trasnochado.

Franco tuvo sus cosas buenas (salvar a miles de judíos de los hornos) y  malas como traer la monarquía de borbones libidinosos, trincones y corruptos.

Franco fue culpable de haber creado una sociedad amorfa, panolis, materialista, y con pocos principios en un ahí me las den todas.

A criterio mi la patria está por encima del rey, de la Iglesia, de los banqueros, de la tan traída y llevada democracia un pan como unas hostias que sólo ha servido para que algunos avispados vivan del cuento demócrata.

Se sitúa por cima de los políticos psicópatas o ineptos como los que nos gobiernan ahora.

Y el único garante de su supervivencia fue el ejército.

Por eso hoy me embarco en la dotación de aquellos navíos que comandara el  insigne capitán de navío: la fragata “Almansa”, los torpederos “Ariete y “Habana”, la cañonera “Eulalia” y la fragata” Circe”, o el “Destructor Furor” en el que perdió la vida el 2 de julio de 1898.

Me digo con Gabriel D´Anunzio que se puede pasar sin vivir pero sin navegar no, porque la vida entera es una navegación.

Quien pasó la marola pasó la mara toda” dicen los marineros gallegos cuando llegan a Finisterre.

Sopla un nordeste vivo que impulsa las jarcias e hinche el trapo. A veinte nudos surcamos la mar bella.

Villaamil se lo encargó el almirante Pezuela fue el primer instructor de los guardiamarinas mandando la maniobra del “Nautilos” en su viaje de circunvalación al globo terrestre.

Fue el precursor del “Juan Sebastián Elcano” en el que reciben el bautismo de ola los cadetes de la Escuela de la Armada en Marín. Y avante toda. Villaamil avante con esta cruz por delante.

Sólo se aprende a navegar ciñendo vela. Esa es la premisa. A bordo conoció los mares del  sur y barloventeó por el archipiélago de Filipinas que conocía  bien

viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2020





Quieren un mundo nuevo

para una Europa vieja y vencida

Barcos de la muerte

Cayucos de la vida

Dieron vueltas a las palabras

Emigrantes o ¿invasores?

Vienen los moros fosores del cristianismo

A darnos tierra

Un papa los bendice

Y allí estaba Expósito

Foun[2]dling hijo de la piedra

"alcachofa" en ristre

─estos son los nuevos periodistas

colaboradores con el enemigo─

Para darles

En Canarias bienvenida

Interviuves obscenos

Todo mentiras

Cantando llegan a Europa estos

Cuando la endemia

Nos fatiga

Hoteles para los de la patera

Y para los españoles

Pobres derrelictos

La acera

Se ríen las radios de nosotros

El alma nos venden y derriban

El anticristo estas remesas

Todos tíos

Y sin armas de momento

El diablo los envía

[1] Es el himno de Israel que se cantaba por los hebreos al regresar a Palestina después de la IIGM

[2] los hijos de padre desconocido que llevaban a los conventos de monjas para darles en adopción

jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2020



Reig Pla: “Densos nubarrones se ciernen sobre España”


“Asistimos estupefactos a la promoción incluso de una ley de la eutanasia que pretende favorecer el suicidio asistido y el homicidio por parte de los sanitarios”.

El obispo de Alcalá de Henares, Juan Antonio Reig Pla, presidió ayer, en el Cementerio de los Mártires de Paracuellos, la misa de la Solemnidad de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, Rey del Universo, con ocasión del LXXXIV Aniversario del Martirio de 143 beatos.

Durante la homilía, Reig Pla advirtió de que hoy, “como ocurrió en otros momentos de la historia, se ciernen densos nubarrones sobre España”. Con ello no se refería sólo a la situación “de incertidumbre y de dolor” que ha provocado la pandemia “que nos aflige”.

Unido a ello, “se levantan otras nubes de oscuridad que atentan contra la sacralidad de la vida humana y contra la libertad de los hijos de Dios”. “Son nubes oscuras que pretenden censurar el nombre de Dios y su relevancia en las instituciones y espacios públicos”, explicó.

domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2020




A talk with the Finnish Doctor of Theology, Hannu Pöyhönen

Dr. Hannu PöyhönenDr. Hannu PöyhönenStatistics indicate that within several months of this year alone, over 1,000 people terminated their official membership in the autonomous Finnish Orthodox Church (which belongs to the Patriarchate of Constantinople): in the spring of 2020 it had 59,600 official members, and by the fall it numbered only 58,540 faithful. People leave daily, and the process continues.

What this means for the Church, what can be said about this exodus from the Church and the reasons behind it, and whether or not it is a catastrophe: these are some of the questions we discussed with Hannu Pöyhönen, Ph.D in Theology and a co-founder of the Panagia monastic center in the Finnish town of Lammi.

Dr. Pöyhönen, I can’t say that the termination of official membership in the Finnish Orthodox Church brings any joy. Confusion, yes—the smallest official denomination in Finland is becoming even smaller. I realize that we are only talking about the external side of the problem. How would you characterize the current state of Christianity in your country? Can we make judgments about its state based solely on externals?

—We too were surprised to learn about the exodus of parishioners from our Local Church. That is a real tragedy, a great tragedy. No Christian, even a member of some other denomination, can rejoice at this. Only enemies of the Church and of Christ can be happy. Unfortunately, there are plenty of them in our days, which is manifested in the decline of Christianity in all European countries. In Finland, we even have a special website, “Quit the Church,” backed by a cult of “freethinkers,” which simplifies the process of terminating membership in the Church to just one click. This is how hundreds of thousands of people have already left their parishes, mostly in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland.

In your view, what are the reasons behind this mass exodus of people from the Church?

—This is a difficult time for Christianity in general. Both society and people’s living conditions have changed radically, which affects the nature of family life as well. People today no longer receive, from childhood, the seedlings of the Christian faith and experience of life in Christ in their families, though this was natural for the previous generations. At home, they no longer receive the strong foundation that individual life, or the life of a whole society or a nation is built on. As a result, a person becomes vulnerable to various influences on his consciousness, many of which are negative and differ greatly from Christian teaching.

Moreover, such a person develops a highly critical attitude towards everything (I would call it, “looking askance at everything”), we are taught such attitudes starting in school.

Let’s not forget that the average person today has turned into a blatant consumer who is used to choosing only the things he enjoys doing and that “suit” him personally. This leads to a situation in which Christianity stops being attractive to people, so instead they choose some elements from completely different spiritual movements with the aim of building their own spiritual realm that conforms to their consumerist requirements.

On top of that, immigration processes in Europe have brought once rare religions closer to traditional ones, making people question the exceptionalism of their faith while becoming familiar with new religious movements. An illustrative example of this is yoga, which has become an integral part of the lives of many Christians and even Christian communities. Western rationalism, which contradicts the human need for mystical experience, has served as a “fertile soil” here. In light of these changes, I think the Orthodox Church ought to emphasize the value of its Tradition more vividly, because my firm conviction is that it is the only form of Christianity that in all times remains the fount of the fresh and living water. The tradition of our Church is infinitely deep; the longer we stand on the path of self-purification, the greater the meaning that becomes available for our understanding, fully quenching our inner thirst.

The statistics on how many people belong to a Church and how many have left speak volumes, but they don’t say everything. The number of people who have left their parishes may likewise indicate that after joining the Church they didn’t find the Christian witness of faith that would have compelled and encouraged them to build their own paths in life. Some of them are sincere seekers of Christ, whereas some of the “faithful members” are just nominal Christians who ceased to practice their faith long ago. I think there is no need to cite any examples from the New Testament.

You allude to Judas and all those who found the words of Christ strange and walked away from Him. Can we judge those who officially end their membership in the Orthodox Church?

—I think that we shouldn’t judge those who are leaving the Church. It’s a different matter when it is done provocatively, publicly and blasphemously. The Lord alone will judge them. Meanwhile, we know that by leaving the Church, a person drifts away from Christ with all the consequences for eternity. Out of love and concern for our neighbor, we should say this to every person who is thinking of leaving the Church. I believe that in their hearts such people don’t fully understand the implications of this action, and I hope the Lord will have mercy on them. I also want to hope that these people will eventually come to their senses and return to the Church before they die. Perhaps in the future a life crisis (or even a war, some other terrible trial) will help them reconsider their values. Out of love for mankind, God allows various tribulations precisely to give us opportunities to find a well of water springing up into everlasting life (Jn. 4:14).

The surroundings of the Panagia monastic community at LammiThe surroundings of the Panagia monastic community at Lammi    

In your view, what are the main reasons contributing to the people’s decision to leave the Church?

—As I see it, people are tired of “rational Christianity.” Such an approach offers nothing to the heart—in it there is no joyful mystery, no possibility of establishing a real bond with the Triune God. This rationalism is like a half-empty basket containing nothing but a manual on ethics.

But your question nonetheless concerns the current situation of Christianity and our Church in Finland. For us at the Panagia Center, this exodus of parishioners from the Church has come as a great shock as everything happened quietly and discreetly. No one openly wrote about it or voiced suspicion. So, if we take Finland, people have most likely left the Church for a whole range of reasons.

Many are tired of the scandals undermining the authority of the Finnish Orthodox Church, which the media have zealously covered. Bad relations between the bishops are no secret to anyone, which is why Patriarch Bartholomew invited all the hierarchs to the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Istanbul. Moreover, our Church has been a participant in many court cases related to internal affairs, conflicts and financial disputes in recent years. It’s natural that this oppressive atmosphere has affected our parishioners. This is an absolutely new situation though, because until recently the Orthodox Church had for decades been the darling of the Finnish media, which only wrote very good things about it and treated it with respect.

At the Panagia centerAt the Panagia center    

I can’t refrain from asking you how the coronavirus pandemic has affected the Church.

—I think that the measures taken by the Finnish Orthodox Church to prevent the spread of coronavirus have, at least indirectly, impacted the number of parishioners leaving the Church. In Finland all Orthodox churches were closed until the end of July in spite of a lack of such requirements from the government! Throughout the period of restrictions, services were celebrated by clergy alone behind closed doors. The faithful were denied access to services even in large churches where safety precautions could well have been taken. As a result, people began to get used to a life without services and without the Church. The most deplorable aspect of this situation is that live interaction with priests and bishops has been disrupted. We all understand what happens when the shepherd leaves the flock and the sheep begin to wander on their own in search of a better lot. They lose strength, scatter and disappear, and many eventually perish.

I would guess that the pandemic might have contributed, though insignificantly, to the drop in the number of Orthodox because it was impossible to perform the sacrament of Baptism properly, as it had been done before. This is likely to be an insignificant factor, however.

To try and say it concisely, the figures for the exodus from the Church speak about a lack of vision that our Church has, for the moment, been unable to remedy, at least in any convincing way.

Do you consider this a tragedy or a usual challenge of the world which lieth in wickedness (1 Jn. 5:19)?

—Yes, from a spiritual perspective, it’s a tragedy for the Church as every member of the Church is in Christ's flock. Christ the Shepherd left ninety-nine sheep in search of one that had gone astray in the mountains. But the life of the Church goes on regardless of the number of its members. Each is free to make his own choice.

The Church is invincible; The gates of hell shall not prevail against it (Mt. 16:18), as Christ Himself said. The Good Tidings of the Church should reach everyone and gather them in its bosom—but not via easy methods such as fawning over people or indulging their egotism. The Church must be faithful to its Head. For the Church, the quality, not the quantity, of its parishioners is paramount.


So there is no need to panic?

—Of course, the Church shouldn’t panic due to the dwindling number of its parishioners; neither should it be upset over the reduction in tax income—honestly, tax allocations are not a cause for panic. As long as the Church lives according to its mission, it’s not so bad.

There is the vital force hidden in the Church, discovered by every person aspiring to do good, especially at crucial points of his life. And he can always come back. Perhaps in our age of materialism we see a strong polarization of spirituality: Believers become more deeply absorbed in spiritual life, whilst those who don’t care about it move away in search of the values of this world. The Apostle John says in his Revelation:

He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still (Rev. 22:11).

Where are the ways out of the crisis?

—While the Church shouldn’t succumb to panic, it must carry on its work for the salvation of every human being, whether they haven’t joined yet, or have already joined, or first joined but then left at some point. There is special concern of the Church for those who once became part of the Body of Christ through the sacrament of Baptism regardless of hierarchy, be they bishops or laypeople. Christ suffered on the Cross for all of them and we should be ready to do the same.

What can you say about the life of the Panagia center today? Do you receive guests? Do you celebrate services?

—Our community is still small, and our life is quite monotonous. Even so, throughout the pandemic we have received more visitors than we did in “normal” times. Young people in particular are resisting these unexpected events. There’s a sort of “good-natured protest,” and they are coming here in search of new inspiration, in the services and in talks with the brothers about the faith.

Throughout the pandemic, the Divine Liturgy has very seldom been celebrated in our center because we have no priest. The primary reason for this is the unwillingness of our Local Church to open new monasteries. According to the witness of the great elders of our days, what is needed to counterbalance secularism is monasteries, where prayer is offered up and the timeless Glad Tidings of Christianity can become a reality. I believe that monasteries are the only hope for the spiritual remediation of our secularized society, amidst a Protestantism that has lost its ideals. We received true inspiration and consolation last year during our pilgrimage to Greece, where we visited a large convent and talked to its abbess. She told us that as a spiritual daughter of St. Porphyrios the Kapsokalyvite, she would often hear the following amazing words from him, “Monasteries will appear in Finland, too. People in Finland will be saved.” May God grant this to us and may monasteries in other countries become spiritually stronger. They will be the keepers of the faith in the difficult times to come, as was predicted by many clairvoyant ascetics, such as St. Paisios the Hagiorite.

Stepan Ignashev
spoke with Hannu Pöyhönen
Translated by Dmitry Lapa





Moscow, November 20, 2020    

The Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church met online today under the chairmanship of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia. The main item on the agenda was to consider how to respond to the recent decision of Archbishop Chrysostomos of Cyprus to recognize the schismatic “Orthodox Church of Ukraine.”

Noting that the Archbishop’s decision was unilateral, without the approval of the Cypriot Holy Synod, the Russian Synod resolved that Pat. Kirill can no longer commemorate Abp. Chrysostomos in the Divine services, reports the site of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Abp. Chrysostomos first commemorated Epiphany Dumenko, the head of the schismatic OCU on October 24, causing a great scandal in the Cypriot Church. The Russian Synod notes that, by his own admission, Abp. Chrysostomos had not informed the bishops of the Holy Synod of his decision.

The Synod also refers to the letter of the four Cypriot hierarchs—Metropolitans Athanasios of Limassol, Nikiforos of Kykkos, Isaiah of Tamassos, and Bishop Nicholas of Amathountos—in which they emphasize that Patriarch Bartholomew’s actions in Ukraine’s and Abp. Chrysostomos’ unilateral decision to recognize those actions are both gross, anti-canonical violations of the conciliar nature of the Church and of the ecclesiastical territory of the Russian Orthodox Church.

The Synodal statement also makes reference to His Eminence Metropolitan Neophytos of Morphou, who reiterated his firm stance that the only canonical hierarch of Kiev is His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry of Kiev and All Ukraine.

The Russian Synod made five resolutions on the matter:

  1. “To express deep regret over the anti-canonical commemoration of the head of one of the Ukrainian schismatic groups in the diptychs of Orthodox primates by Archbishop Chrysostomos II of Cyprus, which indicates that he entered into communion with schismatics.
  2. “To emphasize that this decision was made by Archbishop Chrysostomos alone, without the consent of the members of the Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church of Cyprus and, therefore, does not have a conciliar character.
  3. “To take into account that the Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church of Cyprus, at a meeting chaired by Archbishop Chrysostomos on February 18, 2019, expressed legitimate “doubts about the possibility of retroactively legalizing ordinations made by defrocked, excommunicated and anathematized bishops,” referring to the “episcopate” of the newly-created schismatic structure in Ukraine.
  4. “To note that the current decision of Archbishop Chrysostom contradicts his repeated official statements on the Ukrainian issue, in particular, a letter to the primate of the Russian Orthodox Church dated July 26, 2018, in which the Archbishop of Cyprus assured that “the Church of Cyprus will never deviate from its position, which we have repeatedly stated to you, that is, that it will support the position of the Russian Orthodox Church in the issue of the so-called autocephaly in Ukraine,” and noted that “it considers this position fair and justified in everything.”
  5. “To state the impossibility of commemorating the name of Archbishop Chrysostomos II of Cyprus in the diptychs, of prayerful and Eucharistic communion with him, as well as concelebration with those hierarchs of the Church of Cyprus who will enter into ecclesiastical communion with representatives of the Ukrainian schism.”

sábado, 21 de noviembre de 2020

el español a la papelera



Esa fea ministra Celáa millonaria y tiesa va caminando que no le cabe un piñón por el ano; es de ideas fijas; se ha sacado de la manga una pragmática si se qiuoiere un diktat que a mí me hace llorar y crujir los dientes. 

Supone ni más ni menos que la derogación de la lengua castellana... un verdadero holocausto cultural, un asesinato. LO QUE IMPLICA ES acabar con aquello que yo más amé: mi lenguja franca y la de cerca de seiscientos millones de habitantes de este planeta. 

Me gusta pasear por el diccionario y desenterrar palabras olvidadas que oí en boca de mis mayores. Mis amigos me achacan, y con razón, que elaboro a veces textos rebuscados, y yo me alegrao, pues les hago consultar el diccionario. 

Nuestra lexicografía es portentosa y nutridisimna, cuajada de matices. 

Ayer por ejemplo mi mujer me reprendió porque llamé a mi nieta “perillana"·. Un vocablo que a mí me llamaba mi padre, cuando andaba tirando varetas por los berrocales de Segovia ay perillán, perillán. 

Sin embargo mi mujer creía que estaba insultando a Carla con una palabrota. 

Significa perillán: picardioso un tanto discolo y amante de ir a su aire sin importarle un bledo lo que digan los demás. 

La lengua me ha dado de comer y de escribir hasta que llegaron los del contubernio, que determinó que escribiéramos gratis que nos callásemos y que nos cretinizáramos a la vez que nos desespañolicemos y dejáramos de ser cristianos, haciéndonos comulgar con ruedas de molino y obligándonos a decir que habíamos visto un buey volar; que el castúo extremeño era una lengua culta y no un mero dialecto de las Hurdes, como el bable, el mirandés, o la gacería de los trilleros segovianos.

Los idiotismos o hablas regionales enriquecen un idioma y las jergas que doña Celáa quiere meternos por sus conductos excretorios nos empobrecen y confunden.

Tratan de crear entre nosotros la confusión de Babel. Quieren dividirnos, cuartearnos.

Fue un grito de viva Cartagena el de la Constitución del 78 por lo general para engañar a los españoles y barajarnos.

La cosa viene de largo: con Billy Gates, que ha sido el terror de este milenario.

La serpiente no tiene prisa, se arrastra lentamente. Es gestión a plazo largo.

El holocausto del castellano con miles de voces yendo a la hoguera de nuestra lengua bendita es una táctica ya ensayada por el contubernio en Rusia. 

Lenin quiso cambiar el idioma eslavo y arrinconar a Dostoyevski y a Gogol suprimiendo varias letras del abecedario ruso, palabras que sonaban mal a oídos de los marxistas. 

La Iglesia ortodoxa sigue empleando esa vieja escritura cirílica y el eslavónico en el oficio divino.

 Se ha resistido  gracias a Dios a seguir los pasos del Vaticano que introdujo las lenguas vernáculas y suprimió el latín so pretexto de que el vulgo no lo entendía. 

¿Entendemos entonces el lenguaje de Dios?, yo me pregunto.

Cuanto más misterioso es un idioma más se acerca a las incógnitas impenetrables de nuestra existencia: de dónde venimos y adónde vamos, para lo cual no hay una respuesta clara como la procesión trinitaria o la resurrección de la carne.

Por ejemplo el término que identifica a la divinidad (bog) o “kolokol” (campana) el soviet integrado por judíos en su mayor parte fracasó, porque los rusos suspiran a todas horas con un ay Dios mío (bozhe moi), y las campanas volvieron a sonar en las torres de las iglesias con Jeltsin.

Aunque no sé por cuánto tiempo porque Rusia ha vuelto a ser un hervidero de prostitución.

Durante la revolución francesa Robespierre, de la mano de los enciclopédicos, mandó a la guillotina vocablos del antiguo régimen.

 En 1945 Alemania también cambió su idioma. Dejó de utilizarse la ortografía gótica. Se quemaron todos los periódicos nazis que utilizaban esa escritura rúnica y se mandó al cadalso toda memoria que aludiese a cruces gamadas.

Se prohibió la palabra “fraulein” (señorita) por su carácter sexista. A pesar del cambio, los alemanes no dejaron de ser románticos y continuaron  cantando sus “Lieder” y musitando al oído de sus amadas:

─Ich liebe dich, meine suss fraulein (estoy hasta las cachas por ti, mi dulce Elsa)

Cambiar un idioma por decreto es querer ponerle puertas al campo porque los idiomas andan por sí solos. 

En una lengua no manda nadie.

A mí Camilo José Cela me dijo una vez que la lengua no sigue nunca la huella marcada por el BOE, pero la Celáa y sus parciales se han adueñado de la estafeta oficial.

Así que esa señora vasca millonaria, que anda muy tiesa pues debe de padecer almorranas, pisando fuerte al caminar, toda orgullosa y prepotente, con esa arrogancia de los israelitas, y su califa el Pedro Sánchez, el de la cabeza gorda, lo tienen crudo.

Claro que detrás de este califa que detenta la Moncloa hay otros califas mayores del poder oculto ─Perico no es más que un monago o si se quiere un sátrapa de esa siniestra mano que mueve la cuna─ dictaminó ordenes para dar paso al holocausto de España vetándonos nuestra lengua franca, nuestro idioma común.

Nos quieren robar el alma.

viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2020




Sermon on the Gospel reading about the Gadarene demoniac, November 15, 2020


In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit

The event we remember today is shocking—the casting out of demons from the two Gadarene demoniacs. No one could handle them, and they couldn’t handle themselves. Only God freed them from this demonic possession. But in this Gospel story there is something even more amazing that the people and the demons wrought, and not God. If the Lord cast the out demon from the demoniac, then people cast God from themselves. This is even more astounding! People saw the ineffable miracle of God in the healing of an incurably sick man, which brought wonder upon the entire region and upon those present. But instead of falling down at Jesus’s feet to thank Him, saying, “Stay with us forever”, they said, “Depart from us!” This is a real diabolical wonder that takes place in the human race.

Now even certain Orthodox priests are saying that demonic possession doesn’t exist, that it’s a mental illness, that it’s nothing but Orthodox people’s emotional over-exhilaration, and sometimes even simulation. They weren’t here [in the Pskov Caves Monastery] in the 1980’s when Fr. Adrian served the rite of exorcism in the Church of the Meeting of the Lord. We saw with our own eyes how a thirteen-year-old girl just tossed off strong men as she headed for some goal known only to her. People don’t think about what’s happening in their own lives, in the lives of their close ones, and in the life of a country and people; how God’s spirit works, how guardian angels influence people’s thoughts and deeds, how the devil and the demons influence those deeds, thoughts, and the state of the soul. Man is always falling for these terrible influences, because the evil spirits, the devil, demons, the multitude of spirits who are at enmity with God, who hate man and hate God even more, act upon our souls and minds in ways that we don’t even suspect.

The holy fathers warn us not to think too much about this, because it’s beyond the capacity of the human mind. As a rule, when people begin to think about it they fall into a state where the demons start taking over their minds and souls. But we do need to understand and know about this! Continual concentration on the infernal and cruel subject of demons—which definitely exist—can drive a person out of his mind and make him a plaything of the demons. But it is necessary to remember this. Sometimes whole nations become subservient to these spiritual beings, the demons. Demons move into people’s souls, which then unite in spirit with evil and madness, and then destroy themselves, their minds, and their country. They do things in a state of ecstasy, intoxication, and infernal joy that they are later ashamed of, and they don’t understand how they could have possibly done such things! They as if realize their dream, but that dream was sent to them from the devil and taken from the devil. From time to time we see how dangerously a man proceeds when he’s in a state of “heated blood”, as St. Ignatius (Branchaninov) wrote, and as if possessed, lurches after a certain goal. He wants it very much, pays attention to nothing else, hears nothing else, and is in a state of total ecstasy and intoxication. We can see that something peculiar and abnormal is happening to that person. He has joy—but it’s demonic joy.

We recall, “Serve ye the Lord with fear and rejoice in Him with trembling.” But there is no trembling here! Only terrible intoxication. Such people are stubborn; they do not obey the Church and reason. These people are suicides, who only later understand it. These people are involuntary murderers—they kill the souls and lives of many people. But they only understand that as time goes by. Examples of such terrible madness and demonic possession were our Russian revolutions. It was not without reason that our Russian saints warned that demonic possession awaited the Russian people. At the end of the 1820s, St. Seraphim of Sarov warned about the terrible events to come. In 1823–1824, when a man who would later participate in the Decembrist uprising of 1825 came to St. Seraphim, who was standing near the holy spring that had welled up by his prayers, the saint refused to bless that sincerely religious revolutionary who came to him for a blessing. He sent him away with the words: “Everything you are scheming is a terrible demonic obsession. You will lead Russia and the Russian people to catastrophe.” St. Seraphim’s disciple asked him why he refused to bless the believing man. And St. Seraphim pointed to his usually pure, translucent spring now completely murky, and said, “They will stir up and darken Russia, just like this spring.”

St. John of Kronstadt also warned of the events that would take place in February, 1917, saying that Russia would soon go mad. He died in 1908, having warned everyone about this in advance. St. Theophan the Recluse, St. Ignatius (Brianchaninov), and our contemporaries saw with horror how demons entered people, and they told us about it. Bishop Theophan said, “Demons have possessed people’s souls, and the Russian people have become demoniacs.” The great Russian poet, Maximillian Voloshin, wrote:

“The people, madly obsessed,
Are beating their heads against the stone,
And tearing their bonds like ones possessed…”

We recall the deaf and dumb demon-possessed boy whom the Lord healed. Voloshin writes:

“Is it not that spirit possessing you,
O, Rus’, you deaf and dumb!
The devil has stolen your reason and freedom,
He throws you into water and fire,
Against the rocks and to the woods.”

Such events unfortunately repeat themselves. Very few people understand what’s happening during these times of demonic possession. The larger part, to our profound regret, perceive their own demonic possession as something admirable, “beating themselves against the rocks… throwing themselves into fire and water”, killing themselves and others. The holy passion bearer Tsar Nicholas II, who did very much for our Fatherland, was defamed and slandered. He had lifted all spheres of the people’s lives (from agriculture to health services) to an unprecedented level for that time. For many years, everything in soviet Russia was compared to the level of 1913. The country was victorious in the bloody First World War. Russian troops were ready to free the Russian territory occupied by Germans, march into Berlin, Vienna, and Constantinople (now Istanbul). The armies of Yudenich and Kolchak were right near Constantinople. Russia was the only country in the world where there were no ration cards during the war. Cards were distributed only for sugar so the people wouldn’t make moonshine. But there were ration cards in neutral Switzerland, and in the USA, which entered the war the day after the Tsar’s arrest. A victorious country that had overcome all the complications of wartime was crushed by its own demonic possession.

To be sure, external forces also participated in the revolution. But we happily accepted this demon of revolution and destroyed a great country. Later, when people came to their senses, they reproached themselves. But it was too late! Just imagine the demonic insanity! The first order of the Provisional Government, the dream of those handshake liberals, was to cease disciplinary measures in a fighting army. The second crazy idea whirling in the demonic maelstrom was the order to fire all governors and vice governors. The entire vertical of power collapsed. The Germans who had retreated under Nicholas II were advancing. The police and gendarmerie were let go and a people’s militia was created using criminals released from prisons (the so-called “Kerensky nestlings”). These insane actions by demon-possessed people, supported by the demon-possessed portion of the population, led up to the point in 1917 when there was no more Russia. The Germans were outside Petrograd. Industry was pummeled, agriculture dead. In 1918 the GNP was equal to thirty percent of what it was the year before. Civil war erupted. And those exaltations over the toppling of Nicholas II, over the new world, were utter madness. Glory be to God, the strength of the Russian people who were raised in the Orthodox faith kept the country from disintegrating altogether. It was even reborn. All the projects that had been engineered under Nicholas II (the famous GOELRO plan;1 the industrialization plan; and five plans for the metro system lay on Tsar Nicholas’s desk) were brought into being, thank God. But at what cost!

And what demonic madness remained! The entire Church structure was practically destroyed; millions of people repressed; an astronomical number of deaths; the culture demolished, and a great heritage destroyed or taken out of the country. In our province [Pskov] there are a multitude of ruined churches and old estates. In their demonic madness the people destroyed all the best the country possessed. It came to the point where our religious and non-religious heritage was denied and rejected. Only in 1934 were schoolchildren allowed to study history and literature.

Suicidal demonic possession often happens to large communities of people. The doctors talk about this in another way, but what they say is also interesting. I am now preparing articles on the events of 1917 and I think, Lord, how could people burn down their own house with the conviction of suicidal fanatics?! Many doctors of that time—Bekhterev, Rossolimo, Ivan Petrovich Pavlov and others were no strangers to the revolutionary mood. Even so, they all say that it was mass psychosis. But Orthodox Christians say that it was demonic possession. Unfortunately, many Orthodox Christians are far from completely understanding this. The events of 1917 speak to this.

To be honest, not all religious people saw the revolutionary events as evil, demonic, and suicidal. Moreover, theological seminaries were often hotbeds of revolutionary movements. During the late nineteenth to early twentieth centuries, revolutionary cells formed in a number of seminaries. That means that there was a real enfeebling of the Church, a demonic delirium. It is no coincidence that one of the secretaries of our country’s communist party was a former seminarian.2 Most horrible is that a person who has faith can lose it. Who loses faith? Someone who once had it. Who becomes demonically possessed? Mostly believers—the devil attacks them. The devil is not so interested in unbelievers—they’re outside God as it is. We have to remember this. And how many priests and bishops also greeted the events of February 1917 with elation! Many of them became new martyrs after they had come to their senses. To be sure, it’s easy for us to talk about this in hindsight. And of course, we are not judging anyone. But this demonic possession had stolen into the very heart of our religious nation!

Demonic possession is a reality. No matter how the diabolic powers laugh at it! They are precisely the ones who are laughing at us when we talk about the spiritual illness of demonic possession, possession by the devil. For the devil there is nothing more useful than convincing people that he doesn’t exist, that there is no such thing as demonic possession, that it simply doesn’t occur that he can completely take a person over and lead him around where he wishes, and do it in such a way that the person doesn’t even guess what’s happening. That person will elatedly think that those thoughts are his own, that it’s his own decision.

Brothers and sisters! Let’s remember that each of us can meet this illness, just like ordinary somatic illnesses, on our own paths. None of us have any guarantees. It is very arrogant and prideful to think that this happens somewhere with someone else, but not to us. People have the tendency to put up their guard against gloomy thoughts. But when this illness happens, they shrug their shoulders and say, what can we do? Signs of this illness exist. It doesn’t necessarily mean that the effected person is going to climb the wall and throw things around. The holy fathers tell us what happens to the human soul, to a person’s morality, when he is possessed by a demonic spirit. It’s pride, trusting only in oneself, inner rebellion against the Church with its rules and life, high-mindedness, judging, not admitting your own mistakes, stubbornness in your sins—first of all not sins of the flesh, but mental, emotional sins. If you feel this then go and talk to a priest; come to confession and talk about this first of all, because this illness is precarious and has very serious consequences for the soul and its salvation.

We rarely talk about this subject. And thank God! It’s too scary! But from time to time we are obligated to remind our flock and our own selves about it, no matter how people relate to it (even if it’s with displeasure and misunderstanding), in order to protect ourselves and our close ones from the possibility of getting this serious illness—which is only cured by humility, love, peace, hope in God, and prayer to the Lord. May the Lord preserve you!

Metropolitan Tikhon (Shevkunov) of Pskov and Porkhov
Translation by Nun Cornelia (Rees)
