
viernes, 3 de diciembre de 2010


Rusia reina del soccer

My congratulations. Russia, a queen of the soccer game, will organize the word cup 2018. I hope to be around in eight years time if god spares me life. It is true. Russia is the mystery of a strong nation, an enigma, able of the major deeds and it is true what Putin said lasta night in an interview at the RT television- an station recomended to the readers of this blog- that in Leningrad during the blockade people played football to forget the hunger the death and the continual suffering. It is a very good news for those who love and admire that big country. I remember great goalkeepers like Yashin and Dasaev. I was in the Bernabeu in that great match June 1964 vin which Spain beat the URSS. I Remember the fair play and the appearance of gentlemen the russian players had. It was great. Since then Russia had been in my heart. Thank you for your great writers and for giving me hope and faith through the marvel of the Russian Orthodox church

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